

Yay For Friday!

I love how I can't sleep during normal hours anymore. I'm exhausted all day then night time comes and I'm wide awake. Tylenol pm just makes me groggy and grouchy the next day, so I try to stay away from it. It's sounding great right about now though.

I am SO glad I was off from practice today. My body and self confidence needed it. It's hard having 3 hours a day where a couple of people constantly point out everything you do wrong. It wears you down. Its TONS better than last year...BUT the games haven't started and that's when it seemed to go downhill  last year. Only 70 something days left...but who's counting? It's really not as bad as I make it sound. I'm just getting burnt out and ready for a new chapter in my life. It will come soon enough though.

I'm taking advantage of tomorrow. I have NOTHING I have to go do so I'm going to be sleeping in, working on my online class stuff (speaking of, there is SO much work for these classes. I am going to be busy busy for the next few months), eating some yummy foods, and cuddling up with my boo while we watch some movies.

Drew's wedding band came in today! It's sooo cool. It's a new Titanium ring made out of carbide tungsten. It's BLACK! Just what he wanted. I am looking forward to him wearing it. I don't wanna be the only one with a ring on anymore. We haven't made up our minds as to what the wedding date is. I guess it's better name would be "marriage date"...since we aren't having an actual wedding.

I guess I'm going to try this sleep thing again. Wish me luck. Hope every one is doing well! Happy weekend!

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