


Well the vb team is off to play Selma tonight....a waste of three hours there and another three back..oh yeah and throw in another thirty minutes or so for the match I At least we will be on the charter bus and get to watch Dear John and The Book of Eli and then get fed after. :) :) :)

Tomorrow we leave at one to go to Huntsville for a tournament. We play some crappy team and then another better team on Friday and then we are staying the night. Saturday we have three pretty good teams to play. LOTS of vb for me this weekend. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! :)

***Edit: We won last night. It was such a waste of a night. :( Now we're leaving at one today. I was woken up twice this morning and can't go back to sleep. :/ Great.


25 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I HATE wearing shoes and so I don't whenever possible.

2. I want 3 or 4 muchkins someday :)

3. I want to work in the medical field...just not sure which part yet...and once I have kids I would LOVE LOVE to just be a mommy.

4. Math is my favorite subject. It's fun!

5. Bad grammar is possibly my biggest pet peeve.

6. If there is a $.25/$.50 bouncy ball machine where I'm at, I HAVE to get one. Most recent was last night at taco bell. lol

7. I have to sleep with a noise maker. I get creeped out by random noises at night.

8. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, keep my room clean. I clean it every Sunday and by like Monday it's a mess again. I WILL keep our apartment clean though. Yes sir.

9. I could eat Chic-fil-a everyday for lunch AND dinner...(if you read my blog previously you probably have caught on to this one)

10. I want an Alaskan Huskie. They are beautiful.

11. I am the third shortest girl on my volleyball team, but have the fourth highest vertical. That's right, I'm a beast. lol JK

12. I like dark colors better than light or bright colors.

13. I'm a scorpio...and yes, I like reading into that sorta thing. It's freaky weird how right descriptions of astrology signs are..

14. I've had nose surgery to fix my breathing problems, now I would like to have one more surgery to fix the appearance.

15. I have 1 tattoo. It is on my wrist and it's the serenity prayer in Latin. For those of you who don't know/can't think of what this is at the moment: "God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"...and it won't be my last tattoo. :)

16. Drew's blue eyes make me melt. :)

17. I have only dried my hair about maybe 5 times total since it got warm this year. It takes FOREVER.

18. I am obsessed with Eminem's new cd right now.

19. I get to sleep untill 10-11 everyday this semester.

20. I think I am an older soul in a young body. I do not think like most people my age.

21. Black is my favorite color to wear.

22. There are 13 computers in my house. They all work and are used.

23. I am a compulsive list maker.

24. Drew and I have decided to not have a tv in our bedroom when we move.

25. We cannot, for anything, agree on silverware.

If you're reading this...TAG you're it. :)


Weekend Hungry

  • A little update on volleyball, since it consumes A LOT of my time right now...Our record is now 15-4. Our team has grown really close and I know big things are ahead of us. Even though our losses have been pretty bad ones, I'm proud of my team. 

  • I chose to drop my online Lit class. I just could not make myself do all of that reading. I decided it would be better to take it in person in the spring with Drew. We are going to have Bio and Drawing together too. I'm pretty excited. We are going to try to get afternoon classes. Less people...esp ones we know. We are SO ready to get out of this town. 

  • I am soooo looking forward to Saturday...and here's will involve:

Outback (it's a fav in case you haven't noticed)


We got tickets to see the Legally Blonde musical in Bham. We have to go to a concert/musical for a big part of our music class grade and I got tickets to this show as soon as I heard about it. Drew and I have never been to anything like this together. It's going to be so much fun. We have AMAZING seats. Dead center, midway up the bottom section. :)

Saturday will also involve a little shopping for us and Christmas gifts and apartment hunting. :D Saturday is gonna be a fun day! 

  • I applied for two jobs this past week. Cross your fingers I get called! 

  • I went to see Easy A with my younger sis last night. She had seen it before and wanted to see it again and I have been wanting to see it. It was a good movie. It is the perfect example of how rumors are in high school. We have all been there. If you watch it, I bet you will catch yourself saying, yep, I remember how that was. I love Emma Stone (the main character) Her facial expressions are hilarious. 

  • We have a home match tonight. Wish us luck. Everyone is probably worn out from practice last night. Running suicides and sprints the night before a game was GENIUS....not. I hope everyone got well rested last night and is ready to play...or next practice will just be a repeat of last night...and I don't know how much of that some of us can take. 

Hang in's almost the weekend! :)


Our Sunday in Pictures

Today I did a lot of this....

Then I got up, showered, and Drew took me to....

Where I had a YUMMY dinner..then we headed to

and found some stuff for our tobe apartment. Then we went to see

and it turned out to be a really cute movie. The little boy in the movie was the most adorable kid I think I've ever seen. 
He has officially made me want my first baby to be a boy. 
Today was
I love you ARJ :)



  • I know I have been a slacker lately. I'm gonna go ahead and admit that I am not so happy with mother nature if you ladies get what I'm saying and I just haven't been Mrs. sunshine lately. Quite the opposite. It all started last night when Drew and I decided to have a date night..we went and ate some delicious Italian then decided to see a movie. We sat through about 20 minutes of the movie and I couldn't take it any longer. I just wanted to get home in my bed. [sorry drew :( We will go back and see it. promise.] I have been so blah and lazy these past few days. All I have done is lay in bed, eat, stalk blogs, and then it took everything I had to make myself get up and go to volleyball practice...but I think things are slowly getting better. I feel tons better today. I got out and ran some errands...including picking up Drew's new wedding band! I can't remember if I mentioned the first one we ordered or if I had just thought about doing it...the first one we ordered was a heavy, thick, black metal and after having it for a while and looking at it, we just didn't like we went back and exchanged it for a more traditional white gold one. We..or at least I am in love with it. I am pretty sure Drew is too. He keeps trying to wear gotta wait baby. 
  • We had practice this morning. I was pretty much asleep all the way through, yet I managed to get through it successfully without getting chewed out for doing something wrong. woo! I could not go to sleep last night for anything. We had a conditioning practice yesterday afternoon and I was on my period (sorry if that was tmi..) so I definitely was extremely waking up this morning was hell. After practice I drove my sleepy butt to Jacks and got my norm-plain gravy biscuit, hashbrowns, and a lg coke. yummy yummy...then I came home, showered and slept for about an hour. We have a tournament all day tomorrow so I figured I needed to keep myself awake so I could sleep tonight...I might resort to some tylenol pm just so I'm certain to sleep like a baby. Volleyball is still going well. One of our girls won't be with us tomorrow...her grandmother passed away two days ago and she is in Pennsylvania with her family. :( Our thoughts and prayers are with her. We will meet at 7:30 at Chicfila (YAY!) for breakfast then head to our tournament to play at 9...then the schedule for the rest of the day depends on if we win or not, which we should.
  • I just got through watching the final episode of Make it or Break it. Love it. Can't wait for the new season to start. I can't wait for the new Secret Life to start either. Oh..typing this just reminded me that I missed Teen Mom I need to look that up and watch it too. 
  • I think Drew and I have finally MAYBE started to get this whole saving money thing. We have tried to start saving before...but I think we have a system down now. We definitely have saved more money than we have ever had, so I'm thinking all is looking good in that area for now. :)
  • Tonight is Friday and we are young...which means we probably should be out doing something and having fun and being social...but nope, we will be right here at my house. Doing school work, icing my knee, playing monopoly deal, and catching some serious Z's. Am I complaining? Nope. Not one bit. I wouldn't change a thing. I am definitely an old soul. I am completely happy with doing nothing exciting. 
  • Where is colder weather? We were teased a little and now it's scorching again. Boo. I wanna wear my sweats and uggs and cute vb warmup suits.


Weekend Recap

I'm finally home and somewhat rested up. This weekend the team was in Pensacola, Fl for a tournament. We left Thursday around lunch, stopped in Bay Minett and played Faulkner State. Our Libro got hurt within the first few minutes of the first game and it kinda went downhill from there...BUT the coach made some changes to the team before our tournament on Fri/Sat. She made our other setter the new Libro and now I set the whole time. We. Did. Awesome. We won all 4 of our matches. We even beat the hosting team, PJC. They are a GOOD team, but I think we have found everyone's spot on our team and we are finally clicking and doing everything we need to be a dominating team.

I got to room with Britt (my bff on the team) and Maranda. I love her too. We all got along really well. We got to the hotel late Thursday night, so we just got all of our stuff ready for our games the next morning, ate some snacks, watched a little tv, and talked until we all fell asleep. The next morning the whole team was up and ate breakfast at the hotel and then headed to the beach for a while. The water was really calm and pretty, but several people were claiming they had seen a baby shark and snakes earlier that morning. We all still got in though..we couldn't resist. After soaking up some sun, me and my roommates decided to go back to the room and nap and get ready for our games..we were really tired from the long ride and little sleep. We woke up and headed to the gym for our matches, dominated, and got back to the hotel in time to get everyone showered and dolled up to go eat. We walked across the street to a place called Flounders. I got spinach and seafood cheese dip as my meal. LOVED it. I also got it the next night at a different place. The team got along well for the most part and I think the trip allowed us all to get to know each other a little better. I had a great time and I'm so glad the team did so well in the tournament. :)

Tomorrow we are off from practice, but I have a lot of stuff to do. All of my volleyball stuff is gross and stuffed in my bag from the weekend waiting to be washed, I need to catch up on my school work, clean this wrecked bedroom of mine, and get everything back in order. I already caught up on my blog reading. It was one of the first things I did when I got home. I hope everyone had as good of a weekend as I did! Oh yeah, ROLL TIDE baby! :) Everyone have a blessed week!


Vb, School, & Other Random Things

It has been and will be a pretty busy week around here. I just got home from an away game, (which we dominated by the way)...that makes our record 5-1 if you're keeping up. We have a short practice tomorrow and then are hitting the road at lunch to travel down to a school in the deep south of AL, then after we play there we are driving on to the beach where we have a tournament this weekend. Lots of vb coming up. It really is starting to fly by.

Online classes are still ok. I feel like I'm not doing something right because I hardly ever have anything to do for class..but I have read and reread all of my syllabuses and I'm not missing anything. I guess it just feels like its going by slow because I'm not having to go to class everyday like usual. I'm not so sure how I'm gonna do in the Lit class's the only hard one to me. Drew has a full load this semester online too and he seems to be doing well. Next semester is going to ROUGH for him. I won't have hardly any trouble at all. I still haven't decided what to major in when I transfer...I might even take a year off or something so I can maybe figure out what I want to do. Who knows...all I know is Drew and I are BEYOND ready to move into our own place. We want our own everything so we have can it all exactly the way we want it...Like a CLEAN kitchen and house...let's not get started on this right now. :)

I had a surprise waiting on me when I got home tonight :) Looky:

It's a Vera Bradley all in one wristlet. I love it. It holds everything I carry with me everywhere. On the other side that's not shown it has a clear cover that you slide your id into. Inside it has slots for credit cards, money, and a zip up pouch for chance...and of course as you can see your phone fits neatly into the slot on the front. perfect.

ok, I have a question for those of you who are married. What are some things you would say are a MUST to have on registries/buy for a new place? We have put together some registries, but I want to know what I need to make sure and put on there. Any advice would be appreciated! :)

 My friends from vb that I went to a movie with last week wants me to go with them tomorrow to see The Last Exorcism....I'm thinking I'm gonna pass on that one. I would not sleep for months. Not kidding. 

Oh! I got a compliment on how tan I'm starting to look! yay! Someone finally noticed! lol Motivation to keep going. Going in the morning actually. 
Well I gonna get some sleep stalk some blogs. Until next time! :) Night!


Game Day!

Drew and I just have one thing to say today.......



Fatty-McFat Friday

Today was a good day. It started before the sun was even up [this was a not so great part.] We had practice at FIVE 30 this morning....the whole going to bed late every night and sleeping until 10 every morning thing screwed me over this morning. I couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep last when my phone alarm went off so obnoxiously at 4:45 I was a little less than thrilled. I got my drowsy, ill butt out of bed, threw on spandex and a t-shirt and drove in the dark to the gym. We practiced until about 7:30, so when we left the sun was up finally. I felt like a zombie..results from no sleep+exercising/sweating after not eating I'm guessing. As soon as I left I headed to Jack's and got a gravy biscuit and hash browns and a coke. Not healthy. Did I care? no. It was SOO good. I ate every last bite. Then I went tanning. I am proud that I made myself go. I didn't feel like going at all, and I couldn't have cared less that I am still butt white this morning, but I knew if I just made myself go I would be glad I did when I'm darker in the next week or so. After all of that I came home and crashed. I normally can't/won't get in my bed and sleep right after volleyball because I feel nasty, but that's how exhausted I was. I had a really good 2 hour nap and then when I woke up it felt like a new day. I got up and took a shower and threw some clothes on. Drew had a doc appointment in bham and I went with him cuz he promised me we'd go see a movie after I wanted to spend some quality time with him. :) Before we left we went to Chic-fil-a (I know you're surprised by that one, right?) I got a chicfila sandwich and fries and coke 0. {if you haven't noticed by now, I didn't care one bit about what  I ate only gets worse as the day goes on...shame on me. lol} So we went to Drew's doc appointment and then had time to kill before our movie, so we decided to go to the apartments we have been looking at online and see if we could take a tour. We did and we weren't impressed. It was overall a nice place...the bedroom was just tiny and I think we could find a place we would like the search is still on for an apartment. After we finished there, we headed to the summit, bought our movie tickets, and shopped around a little cuz we still had more time before it started. We bought a scale for when we move out, but we already got it out and are goin to use it before we move. It's probably a little dangerous because I know I'm going to get obsessed about weighing myself. After all the crap I ate today I thought it would be best if I didn't get on it yet..We also went to Urban Outfitters. I LOVE this store, esp the home decor stuff. After shopping for a bit, it was time for our movie. We had to get snacks first, of course. I got nachos, a coke, and some chocolate covered raisins and Drew got some popcorn, a coke, and nerds. (the most annoying type of candy you can possible have during a movie...sooo loud.) We watched Going the Distance. I love it. A+ in my books.
After the movie we went to Dick's Sporting goods. It's one of our favorite stores. My whole wardrobe consists of athletic wear, so of course I love it. I found these three things that I love oh so much. :)
Spandex shorts. I wear these under athletic shorts. I have black, blue and I got grey today.

grey under armour pants (craving some cold weather!)

this shirt is extremely comfy

We finished the day off by going to Cold Stone and getting some ice cream. I got dark chocolate with waffle cone chips and brownie mixed in. o.m.g. It was amazing. The ice cream gave us both a sugar rush. We blasted music and sang the whole way home. As soon as we got back in town we were both crashing and ready to get in our beds and sleeeep...which is where I'm at now. I know I will sleep very well tonight..and tomorrow I have a 5-mile run planned for this carb/sugar/fatty-food-overloaded-body of mine. Drew will join me. :)  And THEN maybe I will attempt to weigh myself...well I'm off to my date with my pillow.
 Everyone have a GREAT weekend! 


Yay! It's September!

I am so pumped that it's finally September...AND hump day! I've had a great week so far and I just love walking outside and being able to breath easier and not sweat due to the insane heat and humidity.  I am praying everyday that it gets colder. FAST. I'm so sick of hot weather. I'm about to leave for practice and then I'm hanging with some of my volleyball girls. Dinner and a movie. :) I'm so just happy about everything right now and I wanted to make my first Sept. post! Yall have a great rest of the week! Mine will consist of another home vb match, a bham trip/date night, relaxing, and doing school work...which I'm still having fun with so far. :) Woo! Life is good.