


Well the vb team is off to play Selma tonight....a waste of three hours there and another three back..oh yeah and throw in another thirty minutes or so for the match I At least we will be on the charter bus and get to watch Dear John and The Book of Eli and then get fed after. :) :) :)

Tomorrow we leave at one to go to Huntsville for a tournament. We play some crappy team and then another better team on Friday and then we are staying the night. Saturday we have three pretty good teams to play. LOTS of vb for me this weekend. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! :)

***Edit: We won last night. It was such a waste of a night. :( Now we're leaving at one today. I was woken up twice this morning and can't go back to sleep. :/ Great.

1 comment:

  1. Who are you guys coming to play up here? I'd so come watch cause I don't have much planned for the weekend!
