


  • I know I have been a slacker lately. I'm gonna go ahead and admit that I am not so happy with mother nature if you ladies get what I'm saying and I just haven't been Mrs. sunshine lately. Quite the opposite. It all started last night when Drew and I decided to have a date night..we went and ate some delicious Italian then decided to see a movie. We sat through about 20 minutes of the movie and I couldn't take it any longer. I just wanted to get home in my bed. [sorry drew :( We will go back and see it. promise.] I have been so blah and lazy these past few days. All I have done is lay in bed, eat, stalk blogs, and then it took everything I had to make myself get up and go to volleyball practice...but I think things are slowly getting better. I feel tons better today. I got out and ran some errands...including picking up Drew's new wedding band! I can't remember if I mentioned the first one we ordered or if I had just thought about doing it...the first one we ordered was a heavy, thick, black metal and after having it for a while and looking at it, we just didn't like we went back and exchanged it for a more traditional white gold one. We..or at least I am in love with it. I am pretty sure Drew is too. He keeps trying to wear gotta wait baby. 
  • We had practice this morning. I was pretty much asleep all the way through, yet I managed to get through it successfully without getting chewed out for doing something wrong. woo! I could not go to sleep last night for anything. We had a conditioning practice yesterday afternoon and I was on my period (sorry if that was tmi..) so I definitely was extremely waking up this morning was hell. After practice I drove my sleepy butt to Jacks and got my norm-plain gravy biscuit, hashbrowns, and a lg coke. yummy yummy...then I came home, showered and slept for about an hour. We have a tournament all day tomorrow so I figured I needed to keep myself awake so I could sleep tonight...I might resort to some tylenol pm just so I'm certain to sleep like a baby. Volleyball is still going well. One of our girls won't be with us tomorrow...her grandmother passed away two days ago and she is in Pennsylvania with her family. :( Our thoughts and prayers are with her. We will meet at 7:30 at Chicfila (YAY!) for breakfast then head to our tournament to play at 9...then the schedule for the rest of the day depends on if we win or not, which we should.
  • I just got through watching the final episode of Make it or Break it. Love it. Can't wait for the new season to start. I can't wait for the new Secret Life to start either. Oh..typing this just reminded me that I missed Teen Mom I need to look that up and watch it too. 
  • I think Drew and I have finally MAYBE started to get this whole saving money thing. We have tried to start saving before...but I think we have a system down now. We definitely have saved more money than we have ever had, so I'm thinking all is looking good in that area for now. :)
  • Tonight is Friday and we are young...which means we probably should be out doing something and having fun and being social...but nope, we will be right here at my house. Doing school work, icing my knee, playing monopoly deal, and catching some serious Z's. Am I complaining? Nope. Not one bit. I wouldn't change a thing. I am definitely an old soul. I am completely happy with doing nothing exciting. 
  • Where is colder weather? We were teased a little and now it's scorching again. Boo. I wanna wear my sweats and uggs and cute vb warmup suits.

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