

25 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I HATE wearing shoes and so I don't whenever possible.

2. I want 3 or 4 muchkins someday :)

3. I want to work in the medical field...just not sure which part yet...and once I have kids I would LOVE LOVE to just be a mommy.

4. Math is my favorite subject. It's fun!

5. Bad grammar is possibly my biggest pet peeve.

6. If there is a $.25/$.50 bouncy ball machine where I'm at, I HAVE to get one. Most recent was last night at taco bell. lol

7. I have to sleep with a noise maker. I get creeped out by random noises at night.

8. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, keep my room clean. I clean it every Sunday and by like Monday it's a mess again. I WILL keep our apartment clean though. Yes sir.

9. I could eat Chic-fil-a everyday for lunch AND dinner...(if you read my blog previously you probably have caught on to this one)

10. I want an Alaskan Huskie. They are beautiful.

11. I am the third shortest girl on my volleyball team, but have the fourth highest vertical. That's right, I'm a beast. lol JK

12. I like dark colors better than light or bright colors.

13. I'm a scorpio...and yes, I like reading into that sorta thing. It's freaky weird how right descriptions of astrology signs are..

14. I've had nose surgery to fix my breathing problems, now I would like to have one more surgery to fix the appearance.

15. I have 1 tattoo. It is on my wrist and it's the serenity prayer in Latin. For those of you who don't know/can't think of what this is at the moment: "God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"...and it won't be my last tattoo. :)

16. Drew's blue eyes make me melt. :)

17. I have only dried my hair about maybe 5 times total since it got warm this year. It takes FOREVER.

18. I am obsessed with Eminem's new cd right now.

19. I get to sleep untill 10-11 everyday this semester.

20. I think I am an older soul in a young body. I do not think like most people my age.

21. Black is my favorite color to wear.

22. There are 13 computers in my house. They all work and are used.

23. I am a compulsive list maker.

24. Drew and I have decided to not have a tv in our bedroom when we move.

25. We cannot, for anything, agree on silverware.

If you're reading this...TAG you're it. :)

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